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Utilizing CFD Analysis to Define Cell Viability Parameters for Extrusion-Based Bioprinting
This research aims to utilize Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis to establish critical parameters defining the cell viability in extrusion-based bioprinting. 3D fabrications of tissues and organs through a layer-by-layer deposition of bioink containing living cells has shown great promise for tissue engineering. Cells suspended within a bioink solution endure printing-induced cell stresses that risk cell viability. Understanding this phenomenon is essential for optimizing printability and cell viability to ensure maintaining cells integrity and biological functions. ANSYS Fluent will be employed to simulate the flow of bioinks containing cells through conical printer nozzles and determine maximum shear stress parameters that allow for cell survival and maintain cell biological functions. By delineating the relationship between shear stress and cell deformation and viability, we expect an enhancing contribution to bioprinting processes. Allowing for printing procedure optimization to be carried within the limit of shear stress that ensures a certain cell survival rate.
My responsibilities are to investigate shear stress and pressure parameters in biomanufacturing techniques to optimize cell viability and optimize extrusions dispensing systems through computational fluid models and simulation. ​

PI name: Dr. Iris V. Rivero
Institution and department: University of Florida, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Collaborators: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Oklahoma State University
Amount of time you have been affiliated with the project: 2 months
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